Radiomaster TX16S Teardown - let's see what's inside!
Radiomaster TX16S is one of the most exciting premieres of the first half of 2020. Not only it establishes itself as a second most wanted radio transmitter on the market (right behind radios made by FrSky), it brings a few very interesting features to the table as well. Some of them are:
- Built-in multiprotocol module
- Hall effect gimbals available as an option
- USB-C for communication with the radio
- USB-C charging of the 2S LiIon (18650) battery
- Color LCD with a touch option
- Two serial ports
- TBS Crossfire compatible
Today, let's open a Radiomaster TX16S multiprotocol radio and let's see how it is built inside. Does the quality match the price?
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I'm Paweł Spychalski and I do things. Mainly software development, FPV drones and amateur cinematography. Here are my YouTube channels: