Cleanflight software low pass filters
Back in version 1.9, Cleanflight introduced new software low pass filters for gyro readouts, P term and D term of PID controller. They are designed to smooth control loop output and filter gyro inputs from undesired high frequency noise. Unfortunately, Cleanflight documentation was not yet updated and says very little about them. Here are few things that I was able to find out about them.
This low pass filter (LPF) is a software filter for gyroscope readouts. Most probably the less useful from software LPF filters in Cleanflight. Why? It duplicates (sits on top) of hardware gyro_lpf LPF filter build into MPU6050 or other gyroscope used in flight controller. The only advantage of gyro_cut_hz is a possibility to set any frequency while gyro_lpf accepts only limited set of frequencies. Can be left at 0 (disabled) unless there is a good reason to use it.
To enable it and set cutoff frequency to, for example, 64Hz, enter CLI mode and type:
set gyro_cut_hz=64
This LPF is slightly more useful than gyro_cut_hz since P term of PID controller depends on both gyro readout (filtered by hardware gyro_lpf) and user input. So, in some cases P term frequency can be higher than gyro trace. On the other hand, frequency change is so small, that gain from using pterm_cut_hz is minimal. Setting it below gyro_lpf or gyro_cut_hz will make PID control loop react slower than expected and decrease flight performance. Can be left at 0 (disabled) unless there is a good reason to use it.
To enable it and set cutoff frequency to, for example, 32Hz, enter CLI mode and type:
set pterm_cut_hz=64
Finally something useful! D term of PID controller, since it is trying to look into a future, can be a source of huge noise and vibrations. After all, looking into a future is always a tricky business. This is why D term and change with totally different frequency than gyro input and there is a very good reason to limit D term change. Too see how excess D noise can affect gyro traces take a look at my Blackbox tutorial.
Limit how much? I have no idea, since it all depends on a machine PID controller is trying to stabilize. Betaflight (Cleanflight fork aiming at 250 and smaller racers) sets it at 42Hz. My personal experience with big and prone to vibration Reptile 500 frame ended at dterm_cut_hz at 14Hz. Rule of thumb is: smaller and more rigid frames allows for higher D term cutoff frequency and 42Hz is a good place to start. Bigger frames might require lower cutoff frequency and 10Hz is lower boundary. On the other hand, I was using dterm_cut_hz at 16Hz on a 250 quad and was happy with results.
To enable it and set cutoff frequency to, for example, 16Hz, enter CLI mode and type:
set dterm_cut_hz=64
This entry is outdated, please refer to June 2016 update

I'm Paweł Spychalski and I do things. Mainly software development, FPV drones and amateur cinematography. Here are my YouTube channels: